The world's newest nation is both drying up and drowning Many of the main roads running through Unity State are now completely submerged, yet the traffic remains. There are no cars, just people, some of whom swim, others wade, pushing their way through the heavy silt-laden water. The more fortunate glide by on canoes with their livestock and whatever possessions they could salvage from…

Here's why the internet is broken right now Do a bunch of your apps seem like they decided to call in sick today?  That’s because they did. From Venmo to Disney+ to the McDonald’s app, outages are currently plaguing multiple services across the internet. The Downdetector home page is a sea of red spikes, all indicating service disruptions occurring around the same…

Allyship is's word of the year “Allyship” is’s Word of the Year — a defining term for a period marked by community organizing, online activism, and protest.  The choice was inspired both by recent events in the real world, as well as the site’s many related additions to the database this year. John Kelly,’s associate director of content…