SLAMcore just raised $16M to help robots get around The more of our world we share with robots, the more important it is to help them find their way. Founded in 2016, navigation is at the heart of what London-based SLAMcore does. In fact, it’s right there in the name — SLAM being a common robotics acronym for “Simultaneous localization and mapping.” ……

Your MVP is neither minimal, viable nor a product Whenever I talk about minimal viable products with product-driven startup founders, I often find myself in a frustrating conversation. The term MVP is such a profound misnomer; a good MVP is not viable, and it is certainly not a product. Chances are it isn’t as minimal as you want it to be either, come…

Abortion funds and reproductive justice networks need our help On May 2, a U.S. Supreme Court majority opinion draft discussing the overruling of Roe v. Wade, which determined that overly restrictive state abortion laws were unconstitutional, was leaked to the public. It’s a startling reminder that the rights to privacy inscribed in the landmark 1973 decision may soon be gutted by conservative lawmakers…