Is it just me, or was that an earthquake? For just a brief moment, this was the internet at its best. I stared at a vase of dried out Trader Joe’s flowers, rumbling on my table for maybe thirty seconds, but I was too shocked to even process what was happening. Then, I saw the tweets (which, in this moment of shock, I…

You'll have to pay for Disney+ password sharing soon It’s going to be an expensive streaming summer for Disney+ users sharing passwords. Though Disney’s streaming service has already started rolling out its crackdown on password sharing in the U.S., it’s now clear when the company will make people pay for anyone outside their household to use their account: June. Disney CEO Bob Iger…

PS5 Slim vs. PS5: What are the differences? “PS5 Slim vs. PS5” is a face-off gamers want to see as they scratch their heads over how Sony’s skinnier new console differs from the original variant. For years, many complained about PS5’s bulky, unwieldy body — and Sony finally addressed that with the new PS5 Slim. Sony announced the new slim PS5 model…