How Colour Depth Affects Image Quality as Fast As Possible COLOUR DEPTH (or lack thereof) is often the culprit when you find distracting visual anomalies in video content, but because RESOLUTION gets marketed so …… Read More
Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Other Cryptocurrencies as Fast As Possible Bitcoin, dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies are alternatives to more traditional currencies like bank notes and precious metals. Sponsor message: Give …… Read More
What is a Codec as Fast As Possible Ever had to download a codec to play back a video or audio file? Ever wondered what the devil they are and why we need them? Now you can know in about 4 …… Read More
HDMI, DisplayPort, VGA, and DVI as Fast As Possible
Display connectors like HDMI, DisplayPort, VGA, and DVI can be confusing for even seasoned techies! What are the differences? Which one should I use?… Read More