What's the Largest Possible File Size?
www.techquickie.youtube.com Is there a limit on how large a single file can be? Visit https://www.tunnelbear.com/Linus and start your 7-day free trial today! Techquickie Merch Store: …… Read More
SATA Express as Fast As Possible
www.techquickie.youtube.com What is SATA Express? How does it differ from previous iterations of Serial ATA? Sponsor message: lynda.com is your one stop shop for learning a variety of …… Read More
What is Intel Optane?
www.techquickie.youtube.com Intel Optane is a new storage technology that can be used as either a super-fast SSD or additional system RAM! Learn all about it right here. Squarespace link: …… Read More
AMD vs Intel Title Match
www.techquickie.youtube.com Try FreshBooks free, for 30 days, no credit card required at https://www.freshbooks.com/linus Use code LINUS and get 25% off GlassWire at …… Read More
Data Compression as Fast As Possible
www.techquickie.youtube.com Why do we need data compression, and how do computers compress data? Freshbooks message: Head over to http://freshbooks.com/techquickie and don’t …… Read More
Disk Defragmentation & Drive Optimization as Fast As Possible
www.techquickie.youtube.com What is disk defragmentation? Should you always defrag your drives? Sponsor message: Thanks to Audible for supporting our channel. Get a free audiobook of …… Read More
Will the Internet run out of SPACE?
www.techquickie.youtube.com Will we ever run out of space on the internet? Techquickie Merch Store: https://www.lttstore.com Follow: http://twitter.com/linustech Leave a reply with your …… Read More